Lipo-C 10ml


LIPO-C containes:

  • L-Carnitine 20mg
  • L-Arginine 20mg
  • Methionine 25mg: An essential amino acid that helps metabolize fat and carbohydrates, build muscles, and improve digestion.
  • Inositol 50mg:  It supports fat burning, insulin production, and cholesterol reduction.
  • Choline 50mg: Important for general liver function and overall cellular health. However, claims about its role in enhancing fat metabolism or hormone production require more evidence.
  • B6 (Pyridoxine) 25mg:   Helps in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.  Plays a role in the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. 
  • B5 (Dexpanthenol) 25mg: critical to the manufacture of red blood cells, as well as sex and stress-related hormones produced in the adrenal glands, small glands that sit atop the kidneys
  • B12 (Methylcobalamin) 1mg:  Natural form of B12 – Essential for general cellular function and energy production. While it is critical for overall health, its specific role in weight loss or fat metabolism is not established by clinical trials.

66 in stock


    Important Notices:
    This product is sold for scientific research purposes only.
    Product is provided as a 10ml red liquid in a sealed, sterile vial.
    The quantity on the label refers to the total amount of product inside each vial.
    Vial appearance, label, seal and cap colors may vary from product photos.

    Lipotropic products work by boosting the body’s metabolism and speeding up the removal of fats. The liver produces bile, which is responsible for breaking down and absorption of fats. It can be overworked because it performs other more essential duties, such as detoxification. As a result, it accumulates toxins. This slows down the breakdown and removal of fats resulting in weight gain, especially around the belly.

    Lipo-C contains essential amino acids and vitamins your liver needs to function more efficiently, thus eliminating the excess fat deposits. L Carnitine and B vitamins are known to be appetite suppressants and energy boosters, thus helping you incorporate exercise and diet as a powerful way to jumpstart your weight loss journey.  Lipo-C has been shown in research to be highly effective for those who want to lose 30-50 pounds and suitable for those who have hit a plateau in their weight loss attempts.