What is BPC 157
BPC 157, or Body Protection Compound 157 is a powerful peptide that works with the body’s natural healing process. It can help speed up recovery for people who have suffered from muscle and tissue injuries. It also offers gastroprotective effects and is helpful for conditions like leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastrointestinal cramps.
In addition, it has been shown to accelerate tendon healing, heal damaged ligaments, decrease pain, and stimulate blood flow.
What Does BPC 157 Do
Promotes Tissue Repair
Known as body protecting compound 157, this naturally-occurring peptide aids the body in recovery at the cellular level. It has shown promise in helping people recover from injuries such as tendon or ligament tears. It is thought to do this by promoting blood flow and increasing the body’s natural cellular production.
Preclinical studies have shown that BPC 157 accelerates wound healing in alkali burn-induced skin injury by promoting granulation tissue formation, reepithelialization, and dermal remodeling. Furthermore, it enhances angiogenesis, promotes collagen synthesis, and modulates inflammatory responses and oxidative stress.
BPC 157 has also been found to help improve liver function and protect against toxins that can damage the liver. This is important because the liver detoxifies many of the chemicals we take into our bodies, such as alcohol or certain medications. It has also been found to be helpful in the treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and autoimmune diseases. The peptide also has anti-aging properties and can help prevent neurodegeneration and chronic conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.
Reduces Inflammation
The peptide BPC-157, also known as Body Protection Compound, offers multiple healing properties that can help some recover from injuries. It can reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, and stimulate collagen production. It can also speed up wound healing and mitigate muscle damage and sprains.
Whether taken in capsule or injectable form, BPC-157 will be absorbed through the gut into your bloodstream to deliver its beneficial effects. It has been shown to have a positive effect on various types of gastrointestinal lesions, pancreas, liver injury, endothelium, and heart damage. It has also been found to accelerate tendon and ligament repair as well as promote bone regeneration.
Promotes Gastrointestinal Healing (Gut Health)
Body Protection compound 157 is a partial sequence found in human gastric juice that can accelerate the healing of a variety of wounds including tendon-to-bone and superior healing of damaged ligaments. It also helps prevent gastric ulcers and promotes gastrointestinal healing. This peptide can be taken as an injectable or oral supplement.
BPC-157 therapy was shown to influence the function of most, if not all neuronal systems at the molecular, cellular, and systemic levels. It also stimulates muscle axis recovery and counteracts a wide range of muscular dysfunctions, such as severe lesions in the stomach, liver, and intestines. It also counteracts progressing vascular and multiorgan failure, including heart arrhythmias and infarction.
Promotes Muscle Healing
BPC 157 also has been shown to improve soft tissue healing, particularly in the muscles and tendons. This has been seen in both traumatic and systemic injury models. One study that compared systemic BPC-157 treatment to control in an animal model following complete transection of the quadriceps muscle found that this significantly enhanced recovery measures both macroscopically and microscopically.
While BPC 157 is not currently FDA-approved, it has proven to be effective in treating many gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal conditions in animal studies.
Where to buy BPC 157
The best play to buy peptides online – Pepolution of course! Your best source for research peptides online. If you are interested in connecting with other individuals conducting their own research, or have questions, join the private group on FACEBOOK HERE.